Luminultra launches digital portal for managing all water and fuel test data

Microbiological testing leader LuminUltra Technologies has introduced a cloud-enabled digital platform on which to manage the microbiological quality of all shipboard fuel and water systems, including ballast water.

LuminUltra Cloud, available both on-line and off-line, allows end-users to control the data from all sampling, testing and analyses carried out onboard, and to create custom compliance reports that can be shared between ship and shore-based personnel.

Pat Whalen, LuminUltra Technologies’ President & CEO, said: “LuminUltra Cloud is a real game-changer for assessing and reporting the microbiological content of fuel and water onboard ships. Users can now have the information available on which to base accurate and immediate corrective action where and when necessary. The platform also provides trending analytics across all water and fuel tests.”

Data from LuminUltra’s rapid microbial test kits are inputted on the spot, eliminating transfer time from paper to computer. Ship and shore staff can then access the data, in real time, via LuminUltra Cloud which instantly alerts the user to any microbiological problems.

Users can also set custom supplemental data alarms to reflect their own parameters, and the platform automatically generates analytical reports based on the user’s configurations.

Carine Magdo, Business Development Manager, Ballast Water Monitoring Solutions, LuminUltra, said: “For operators of shipboard ballast water management systems, the digital platform is particularly useful for ensuring compliance information is immediately available for port state control authority inspections.

“A dedicated B-QUA app is featured to provide rapid automated analysis of the microbiological status of treated ballast water over various time periods, allowing users to follow the historic results of compliance testing across all vessels in a ship owners’ fleet.

“LuminUltra Cloud provides our customers with a secure, web-based solution for all their monitoring and sampling data. Also included is LuminUltra Academy, an online training and certification platform. Visitors to the ‘Academy’ have access to a myriad of technical support and training modules, including training videos, webinars, user guides, sampling guidelines and templates for ballast water reporting.”

Compatible with all Apple, Windows and Android-based devices, the data is secured using Microsoft Azure Authentication. This further ensures data is protected and only available to approved users.