New Challenger software speeds the electronic delivery of digital charts and weekly updates

One of the most famous names in the navigational chart business, Thomas Gunn (pictured), has underlined his commitment to the digital age in navigation by designing a new ‘Challenger’ software that will speed up the delivery of digital charts and weekly navigational updates.

Developed by Poseidon Navigation Services, an International Admiralty Chart Agent and Digital Distributor he has created, Challenger has already received approvals by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA); the UK Hydrographic Office; as well as a host of flags including Panama, Marshall Islands, Singapore, Isle of Man, to name but a few.

It provides updates for Admiralty Paper Charts & Publications, AVCS, ADP and e-NP digital products and allows the end user to effectively manage onboard holdings, and receive updates either by a direct Web Sync or by receiving weekly email files. Above all, the software will enable the vessel to remain compliant with maritime regulations at all times.

Thomas Gunn, Managing Director of Poseidon Navigation Services, said the Challenger software was effective for those vessels using AVCS as their primary means of navigation, “because it offers complete compliance with all industry regulations, while offering end users a platform for receiving ENC permits instantly.

“Our Route Planner offers the navigating officer the chance to plot the vessels intended route, select which Admiralty products are needed for the voyage, and order any missing items by communicating directly with our server via email or direct internet connection,” he said.

Poseidon Navigation Services together with Marine Software Solutions has also launched a web-based ordering functionality for Admiralty Digital Products allowing shipping companies, vessels and other distributors to easily view current vessel inventories. Thanks to a new REST API interface by the UKHO and B2B technology, users can view prices in real time, mix products and have access to the order history. This will allow the ship operator and ship owner to monitor all digital spending per vessel.

“This solution can be offered to other Admiralty Chart Agents and the complete package can be integrated into any ERP; this would then allow even the smallest chart agent to move into the digital age and offer shipping companies and vessels access to digital licensing 24/7 which is paramount to vessels safety,” said Mr Gunn.