Upcoming ADMIRALTY ‘Living with ECDIS’ Seminar in London to help ensure ECDIS compliance

  • The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has announced the details of its free ECDIS seminar taking place in London, UK on Friday 15th September, as part of London International Shipping Week.

Led by Tom Mellor, Chairman of the IHO’s ENC Working Group, the seminar will cover the latest legal requirements, as well as compliance and maintenance issues surrounding the adoption and ongoing management of ECDIS – including cyber risk. The seminar will also cover latest IHO ECDIS Standards, including S-52 and the latest presentation library.

Through presentations and discussion on these areas, the interactive seminar can help owners ensure that the navigational benefits of ECDIS are achieved in an efficient, compliant and safe manner.

Speaking ahead of the seminar, Tom Mellor commented: “The majority of the global SOLAS fleet is ‘ECDIS ready’, but the process of ensuring compliance and – fundamentally – safe navigation, doesn’t stop upon installation.

“In this seminar, delegates will learn about the latest IHO ECDIS Standards and changes in regulatory requirements, as well as best practice for the ongoing use of ECDIS onboard their vessels. We hope that attendees will learn valuable lessons about how to make the most out of their ECDIS systems – and realise the full safety and navigational benefits they offer.”

‘Living with ECDIS’ will be held between 10.45 and 14.15 on Friday, 15th September, at UK Chamber of Shipping, 30 Park Street, London, SE1 9EQ.

These seminars are free to attend and delegate places can be booked at: http://admiralty.co.uk/ecdis-seminars.